Video Security System Options for Homeowners
Many Atlanta home security systems feature a setup involving motion detectors and access codes, giving property owners a barrier against home invasion and burglary. But a video surveillance system can add an additional layer of protection, as well as a tool for identifying burglars.
There are two main types of video security systems available to consumers.
- Closed-circuit television systems (CCTV) are the traditional technology used for video surveillance, and they are still very effective. Videos captured by the cameras are recorded and fed into monitors kept on-site. The transmission is not uploaded to the internet.
- IP (Internet Protocol) video systems provide users with the flexibility to monitor their residence when they are away. IP cameras are connected to a video server, which then uploads captured video to the internet, where the stream can be viewed using a web browser or even an Apple iOS or Android device. The video can be stored digitally off-site to prevent tampering by burglars.
One of the most important considerations in purchasing a video security system is choosing a camera with adequate resolution and imaging capabilities. Both black-and-white and color cameras are available. Obviously, color cameras can give more color detail, but black-and-white cameras tend to offer better resolution and clarity in darkened areas and at night. Other considerations when choosing security cameras include whether the camera is indoors or outside. Cameras placed outside must be able to withstand harsh weather, and the area recorded must be properly lit or the camera must have night vision technology.
Video security systems are typically associated with commercial establishments such as grocery stores and retail chains, but they offer a superb enhancement to home security systems as well. American Alarm Corporation can help you navigate all of these options and find the best video security system for your home. Contact us at (770) 645-0061 and find out why we are the leading Atlanta security system company.